"If you are sexually active, it is important that you use contraception which both partners have agreed to in order to avoid pregnancy."
Most contraception is 99% reliable. You can get pregnant or get a sexually transmitted infection (STI) even if it is the first time you have sex so use a condom to prevent STIs. Use a LARC (long-acting reversible contraception) like an implant to prevent pregnancy.
Becoming a teenage parent can be challenging so it is a good idea to think and plan contraception, so you are prepared. It is also unpleasant and painful to have an STI.
There is a C-card scheme and you will need to register for a card which you can use to get free condoms as well as advice and help. It is a confidential service for all young people which offers condoms even if you are 15 or under and you have discussed your needs with our sexual health professionals and they agree.